Casa em North Palm Beach, FL

- 913 Lighthouse
USD 5.900 / mês
3 Dorms
2/1 Banheiros
0 Vagas
138 m² A/C
Galeria (50)
Galeria (50)

Casa em 913 Lighthouse, North Palm Beach, FL

*Seasonal, Fully furnished, or Annual. This single-family 3 bed 3 bath home is Modern, with unique designs, and beautiful views, on a quiet street with plenty of space, lots, of privacy, and comfort. The home is a unique space perfect for family vacations, extended long-term stays, or business trips. The modern single-family home offers privacy and a fenced-in Backyard which is perfect for pets & boats. The home is equipped with everything you need for an extended stay or short trip. 10 minutes from the beach, minutes from downtown, and 15 minutes from PBI Airport. This home is perfectly located next to everything. Watch beautiful sunrise at the beach, enjoy local dining, PGA golf courses

Período Mínimo de Aluguel: 6 Meses


913 Lighthouse, North Palm Beach, FL 33408


3 Dorms
2/1 Banheiros
0 Vagas
138 m² A/C

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